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im probably the same as everyone else you know. or very different. i guess thats up to you to decide.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

high school girls.

today i learned a lot about myself, and other people for that matter. i learned that no matter how much people are able to act like they're not, we are simply just human. therefore, were all going to suck, to some degree.

so I'm dating this guy. we have a great relationship. I'm not going to go into all the details because we've only been dating one week and that sounds creepy of me, and this is the internet. but anyways. i met him through a friend of mine who i met with nothing to do with anyone at my school. yet somehow, he was linked back to it.
girls are so stupid. but we cant really help it can we. some girl who i honestly haven't talked to in four years claims she hates me because I'm dating someone she broke up with six months ago. how high school can you get. and somehow, i get turned into the bad guy, because i should have been considerate enough to ask her permission first... really people, lets all get along. I'm not committing a crime here. a certain friend always calls me jokingly, "boyfriend stealer". for the record, i have never stolen anyones boyfriend. i have never hooked up, caused a breakup, or taken from one girl her man of the moment. i have dated other peoples exes. but think about it.. who isn't someone's ex? really, think to your boyfriend or last boyfriend. did they have an ex? was it a female? if we all followed this so-called friend of mines standards, wouldn't we all be boyfriend stealers? including her?

I've dated or basically dated or hooked up with, or whatever people call it these days anyways, with a lot of guys. i know a good one when i see one. i don't waste my time on guys who look at you as an object, lack in the conversation department, or are so rude they don't deserve my time. maybe I'm a harsh judge, but its for my own good, nobody else's. so when someone purposefully goes out of their way to bad mouth a guy I'm interested, and i know for a fact its not true, it just makes them look stupid. not me, which even though they may not admit it, they subconsciously want to do. high school is so ludicrous.

Every part of it, the people, the teachers, the homework you never want to do, the PE classes that are MANDATORY, the subjects you've taken four years in that you know for a fact you will never study or consider as a possible career option, all of it really. if i could just ex out my whole high school experience and be done with it, i can confidently say i would live the rest of my life in peace and serenity, never knowing what levels of hell i experience in grades 9-12.

Maybe I'm bitter, maybe I'm just angry after a long day of defending myself. but in the end, i realize, that sadly enough, i am just like that girl. if i found out somebody was dating my most recent ex, i would be mad. but then again, my most recent ex and i were really over at the end of October. while i fall under my own grouping of "stupid high school girls", i am nowhere near as extreme where i would purposefully try to ruin someone else's day just because they fell for the same guy you did once upon a time.

its pointless and unnecessary: kind of like high school.

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